Výzkumné semináře MÚA AV ČR – jaro 2024
The triumphant establishment of the two victorious states of World War I, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, was accompanied by severe food shortages. While the failure of wartime food rationing accelerated the decline of Austria-Hungary, it did not end with its demise in 1918. The successor states had to deal with the inherited social disorder and prove their claim to power by successfully managing the food calamity. Our comparative project focuses on the Bohemian lands and Slovenia from the perspective of individual as well as collective actors and their coping with a food crisis that could be fatal for both human bodies and the new order in the making.
Přednášejí Rok Stergar (Univerzita v Ljubljaně) a Václav Šmidrkal (MÚA AV ČR).
Přednáška proběhne v angličtině.
Semináře se konají v sídle MÚA na adrese Gabčíkova 10, Praha 8, v konferenčním sále v suterénu budovy B a jsou kromě pracovníků ústavu bezplatně přístupné také dalším zájemcům.