
175 Years Congress of the Slavs (1848–2023). History – Ideas – Commemoration

International Conference

Date of event
7. 6. 2023 – 10. 6. 2023
Vila Lanna, V sadech 1, Praha 6 - Bubeneč

The international conference is held under the auspices of Eva Zažímalová, President of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Organized and Sponsored by:


June 7, 2023

(afternoon session and evening reception)

Vila Lanna, Apollon’s hall

2:00 p.m. Welcome and start of the conference

Milan Hlavačka, Christian Lübke

2:15 p.m. Section 1: Prague, Bohemia, and the Austrian Empire in 1848. Events that Shaped the Monarchy

moderation: Christian Lübke

3:15 p.m. Coffee break

3:30 p.m.

moderation: Christian Lübke

6:00 p.m. Evening Event

moderation: Christian Lübke


Music Program: Viktor Velek and his Music Group: Songs about the revolution and the Congress of the Slavs


June 8, 2023

(morning sessions)

Vila Lanna, Apollon’s hall

9:00 a.m.

moderation: Christian Lübke

Vila Lanna, Adalbert lounge

10:00 a.m. Section 1: Prague, Bohemia, and the Austrian Empire in 1848. Events that Shaped the Monarchy (continuation)

moderation: Maren Röger

11:00 a.m. Coffee break

11:30 a.m.

moderation: Maren Röger

1:00 p.m. Lunch break

Vila Lanna, Apollon’s hall

10:00 a.m. Section 2: The Congress of the Slavs: Effects and Commemorations

moderation: Giulia Lami

11:00 a.m. Coffee break

11:30 a.m.

moderation: Giulia Lami

1:00 p.m. Lunch break

June 8, 2023

(afternoon sessions)

Vila Lanna, Apollon’s hall

2:00 p.m. Section 2: The Congress of the Slavs: Effects and Commemorations (continuation)

moderation: Frank Hadler

3:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m. Coffee break

Vila Lanna, Adalbert lounge

2:00 p.m. Section 3: Sciences, Political Ideas and Afterlife of the Congress (Part 1: Archaeology, Slavonic Studies)

moderation: Jens Schneeweiß

3:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m. Coffee break

4:30 p.m.

moderation: Jana Maříková

June 8, 2023

(afternoon sessions)

Vila Lanna, Apollon’s hall

4:30 p.m. Section 3: Sciences, Political Ideas and Afterlife of the Congress (Part 2: Historiography - Historiosophy)

moderation: Zdenko Zlatar

5:30 p.m.

moderation: Frank Hadler

June 9, 2023

(morning session)

Vila Lanna, Apollon’s hall

Section 4: Contemporary Research in the History and Culture of the Slavs: Scientific Associations

moderation: Frank Hadler

9:00 a.m. Commission Internationale des Études Historiques Slaves (CIEHS)

Meeting open to all conference participants (with discussion, q&a)

10:00 a.m. Komisja Wczesnych Dziejów Słowian im. Prof. Gerarda Labudy przy Międzynarodowym Komitecie Slawistów

11:00 a.m. Coffee break

11:30 a.m.

Union Internationale d’Archéologie Slave:

Internationale Kongresse und die Slawische Archäologie nach dem 2. Weltkrieg

moderation: Jens Schneeweiß

12:30 p.m. Lunch break

June 9, 2023

(afternoon sessions)

Vila Lanna, Apollon’s hall

1:30 p.m. Section 3: Sciences, Political Ideas and Afterlife of the Congress (Part 3: Historiosophic and Political Ideas)

moderation: Damian Szymczak

2:15 p.m.

3:15 p.m. Coffee break

3:30 p.m.

moderation: Miloš Řezník

4:30 p.m.

June 10, 2023


Opportunity to visit Palacký’s apartment (Memorial to František Palacký and František L. Rieger)

(after registration)

Programme (PDF)